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Name: Que Pena Tu Boda
File size: 24 MB
Date added: October 22, 2013
Price: Free
Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/7/8
Total downloads: 1875
Downloads last week: 11
Product ranking: ★★★★☆

He doesn't eat this, does he? I'd like to reserve a table for four at six. Where do they want you to come? Tom doesn't think that it'll rain tomorrow. The old man narrowly escaped being run over by a car. Where are you taking all this stuff? He was tired, but he kept working. A book of stamps costs 3 dollars. So that'll be 23 dollars for everything. I come from Chicago. I like getting wet in the rain.
Que Pena Tu Boda: - I bought this coat. Do you like it?
- I am sorry I am late.
- She can drive a car.
- Your problem is similar to mine.
- Could I sit on the aisle?
- That's fine.
- Did you understand what he said?
- She was busy with her knitting.
- He is old enough to travel alone.
- I'll start with a beer.
We'd like you to sing a song. It doesn't bother me if you take that book. I'll have exams right after the summer holidays. I expect that he will help us. She knows her limitations. I accepted her invitation. I think it's time for me to throw a little party. I don't like you anymore. I don't think that she will come. Sorry.

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Que Pena Tu Boda, Inc. 26047 Columbia Street, South Carolina 4009 - USA, CA 29227 Tel: 954-626-2086 - Fax 444-244-8364 E-mail:Richard_Young@gmail.com
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